I wish i knew this when i was poor

"I wish I knew this when I was poor. My name is Adnan Saani, and I come from a small city in Ghana called Tamale. I have a selfish agenda; I am on a mission to help 10 million people achieve financial freedom. I am so confident in what I am going to teach you that I am willing to teach it to you on credit. I will share everything I know, but I ask that you pay me back in 5 years when you have achieved financial freedom. The payment will be $100. I am relying on your integrity to become a billionaire, so please don’t disappoint me. But what do I mean by financial freedom? Is it a fair trade?

Alright, take a piece of paper and set aside 30 minutes. Sit in a room and follow my instructions exactly. Ask yourself this question: what do you truly want in life? Don’t assume you already have the answer, because you probably don't. You might think you want money, but money is just one aspect of wealth. There are several indicators of wealth, but for the purpose of this video, we will focus on three: financial goals, relationship goals, and health goals. Write down your goals; it shouldn't be solely about money. In the future, the biggest accomplishment won't be just having money, as anyone can make money today. The biggest accomplishment will be something only the past and time can provide. Write down what you truly desire.

This approach is backed by science, but even if you don't understand the science behind it, I encourage you to do it nonetheless. You don't have to comprehend gravity to experience its effects. The point is to trick yourself into truly wanting your dreams. Every second of your life, you do something because you want to. You are watching this video right now because, among all the things you want in the world, watching this video is what you want the most. I am not saying it's the most important thing to you, but it is your strongest desire at this moment. If something happened in your room right now, you would pause this video to attend to it. It would mean that you want to address that situation more than you want to continue watching this video. If you spend your entire life in bed after waking up, it's because you want to stay in bed more than anything else. Your ideal represents what you desire the most. First you have to want you goals, Do you even know what it means to want your goals my friends. Let me teach you what it means to want your goals. Every single second of your life you want something. Whatever you are doing every second is what you want the most.can you imagine if you spent every second doing something that contributes to your future goals? Even something as little as watching a movie about your goals?

Studies have shown that dedicating 30 minutes a day to something for one year will make you better at it than 97% of people. Once you realize what you want, take action and commit to it."


Don’t Go Into Entrepreneurship. Do This Instead


You have to learn to manipulate yourself