This is a hundred dollar note. I cannot do anything with this. If I was locked in a room with this, I wouldn't last three days. I can't eat it. I can't do anything. But suddenly, when I give it to someone, they bring me food. I give this to someone, they take me around the world. I give this to someone, they give me all the security that I want. It appears to me that it is not this that I want. What I am looking for is the relationship with the things that this can bring me. That is why money is considered as one aspect of wealth. You need money when you don't have relationships.

A lot of people have relationships so strong that they don't need financial goals. You need money when you don't have the right relationships. And when I say relationships, I don't mean a relationship where you are abiding on people. No, no, no, no, that's not what I'm talking about. I mean a kind of relationship where people beg you to offer you value because you mean so much in their life, because you would have offered them so much value in their lives. That is why I insist that when you are writing your goals, you have to write your relationship goals as well.

A lot of religious leaders have these kind of relationships. They don't need money to buy anything. But those of us who don't have that, we have to be sincere with ourselves. We have to tell ourselves the truth that we do not have this kind of relationship. We do not have people who can set us up in life. We have to agree that the way to achieve the things that we want in life is to be able to make some money. It's simple as that. You cannot struggle to pay your rent and be saying that money is the root of all evil. It doesn't just make sense. That is very, very wrong.

My name is Adnan Saani Dangotey. My relationship goal is to build a community of 10 million financially free individuals. In 10 years, by the grace of God, I should be all right. But in the worst case scenario, I want to be able to not have to buy anything in 10 years because I would have created so much value in the lives of other people.


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